Registered charity 1070330 | Phone: 0117 924 3128
Home > Volunteer

Become a Volunteer!

We are a 100% volunteer-led organisation, so when you join the team, you join the family.

We couldn’t do what we do without the help of our dedicated team of volunteers. From cleaning and socialising to trapping and transporting, our volunteers play a vital role in keeping our cats healthy and happy. We work diligently to rehabilitate and rehome more than 250 cats per year, and with your help we can save even more!

Perks of Volunteering with The Moggery:

  • Full training provided on positions of your choice.
  • Flexible time commitment.
  • Hot chocolate facilities. 😉
  • Unlimited cuddle time with the cats.
  • Monthly social events.
  • Meet friendly animal lovers like yourself.

Requirements for volunteering:

We have no experience requirements for our volunteers. We believe that everyone has something valuable and unique to contribute; all you need is a hard work ethic and a good attitude and we will provide the rest. Our formal requirements for on-site roles are:

  • You must be current on your Tetanus vaccine.
  • You must be able to handle stairs (ours is a 3 storey house!).

What You Can Do:

We are eager to use whatever skills come our way, so if you’ve got ideas we are happy to hear them! Below is a list of our current available volunteer roles, but feel free to get in touch if you’ve got bigger and brighter ideas!

Progress Checker
Progress Checker
Foster a family
Foster a family